Tired? Worn Out?

The rest we need is found in the abundant and overflowing shalom of God. He is always offering His promise of rest, and giving the reality of His promise with us.

Trash Cans and Grocery Carts

THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is a life of Valiant and Courageous Service… in the mundane, little things that others may not or will not do… but we choose to do because of the grace and purpose that is alive in us as God’s people.

Liberating Generosity

GOD’S GREAT ADVENTURE for our lives is a journey of hope given to us in the redemption-freedom God has lavished on us. And like the freed slave and his family, we are blessed with the opportunity and calling to flood this gracious gift on others.

$15,000 ‘Right Here’

THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is a life of Radical Generosity… It begins in our ‘right here,’ and our ‘right now,’ with generous and sacrificial acts of service to the people and places in our ‘Jerusalem.’

Thrifting and Connecting

THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is a life of Valiant and Courageous Service. And as we serve, we find the joy of connecting with others beyond our own circle of friends… expanding our vision of how amazing God’s people are and the phenomenal things we can do together.

Love Letter Leaves

The EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is a Life of Revolutionary Trust and Hope in God. We find new and refreshing hope in nature… in the God Who spoke all of the planets, galaxies, blades of grass, and every love-letter leaf into existence.

Them’s Fightin’ Words

THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is a life of Radical Generosity. In a world warring with words of criticism and judgment, we can generously offer words of healing grace, reconciliation, and restoration.

Pizzas against the Building

I was walking into Golf Galaxy a few years back when I saw a few young men in Chuck E. Cheese uniforms standing around a dumpster high fiving and laughing. They had figured out a way to flip old pizzas from their buffet onto the wall of the building with the dumpster door.  As I... Continue Reading →

Barking at the End of a Rope

The EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is a Life or Revolutionary Trust and Hope in God. It is a life in which we live in freedom from the ropes and tethers that limit us and hold us down. What was disbelief becomes trust. What was scarcity and fear become hope.

A Black Fedora

THE EXTRAORDINARY LIFE is a life of Radical Generosity. We pay attention, we listen to others in ways to bless them in our generosity… and we are blessed in the whole experience!

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